House viewing has been put on hold as a move down to England has become attractive to my poor daughter who is approaching melt-down trying to deal with a bright, once cheeky and bouncy son now showing marked signs of depression, who is also panicked, torn apart and made thoroughly miserable by her horrible ex. G's own maturation stopped at about 10 so he thinks only of himself, tells Sandy he (G) might not have long to live, that the pain of having to see S living with someone else is killing him, that he is in poverty and working all hours god made to keep his head above water (but is sinking fast) and it's all Sandy's mother's fault, and so on and so on. We've been hearing it for 15 years, the same old tune with different names on the blame list, the hard done by, put-upon G who everyone is out to get. Blah blah.. Sadly it's all new to his son who feels he has to help, protect and save his dad and try to make him happy, as children so often do. It's taken me years to stop cleaning the house to please my mother.
I've just stuck my finger in my eye and ten minutes ago I was chopping a chili, so add OUCH!
I watched Madagascar 2 four times with Sanders yesterday. He came back from his week-end with the Ray of Sunshine puffy-eyed and exhausted from 15 hour days out in the fields, generally with no food until supper time. He likes that he can drive a tractor and a quad bike and shoot pigeons but he does need sleep and he does need to keep up with his school work. He also could do with a shower and a change of socks occasionally. Mostly he needed rest and M2 is good so I let him play it round and round whilst he cat-napped on the couch. He insists I stay in the room with him and although I planned to write it was impossible.
Enough of that, although it is obviously the backdrop (when it's not the main scene) to everything else.
The season is being marked on the roof-top opposite my bedroom by a loving couple of seagulls who have been shagging away and are now beginning to seek out bits of twig and moss. The shagging is funny to watch - after a short while the female twists her neck to look round and up at the striving male with, I swear, an expression of impatience and more than a suggestion of irritation that he's not quite hitting the spot.
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