17 Jan 2010

Slouching toward Bethlehem

Deep gloom here - no reason, just me going into deep gloom as happens occasionally.

I ordered seasons 1 - 3 of Heroes thinking they would be a light distraction for now and then but because of the Gloom and Lungs I watched the whole lot more or less non-stop for 48 hours. I didn't go to bed although I did sleeep uncomfortably on the couch from time to time. It's not THAT good but there are enough interesting characters and enough of a plot - and obviously what I need is a total break from reality.

I haven't had to travel distances to face testing circumstances, nor have I had to deal with dying boilers (yet!! Could still happen. It's old...) The washing machine died as the new year began but that was replaced quickly, the only sorrow being the hole in my savings. Maybe it's the sheer lack of anything that is getting me down so thoroughly. Ingrate!

Soon I will have to be in the shop again - daughters not mine, and I'm not looking forward to that one bit, but of course I will have to shake this gloom off which will give everyone the impression that all I needed was something to keep my mind occupied.

I might have ways of occupying my own mind that give me some personal satisfaction given the opportunity.

Not sorry to have finished with the shop though. Not at all. This is a transition period, I know that. I would just like it if I were transitioning into something of my own choosing, but that isn't possible at the moment.

Mostly this gloom is personal but the outside world sidles in to drive it all deeper. I've never really looked at this poem 'The Second Coming' by W.B.Yeats closely before but the ending sums up the way I'm feeling at the moment:

..... but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


stitching and opinions said...

I feel a bit the same here, which is stupid as I will cry when we leave in 2/3 days time. But it is difficult to keep trudging on thru treacle, trying to be positive when I wickedly want to just fly, literally and metaphorically.
Heroes is great, but the little blonde girl gets on my nerves, she is just so small and perfect.
Watched 3 episodes on Ak's computer of next season's Desperate Housewives then got a frown from S when I danced back into the room all sassy.

Gillian said...

Golly Gosh you two! I haven't any Issues and am hopeful that the future holds wonders and so I shall continue to go forward. The boiler is better, the joiner will come and install a loft ladder and storage and I agree totally with Yeats' opinions expressed so well in verse.
Cheers as usual Gillian

carol said...

Thanks for empathic/bracing comments. I might be getting better.

One question to Gillian though - how does that poem by Yeats slot in with a cheerful mood? I don't think he saw the second coming with any expectation of joy - and he was right not to back there in 1919. He didn't hold out much hope for the future of mankind.

I found his gloom cathartic!

Gillian said...

It's the last two line of the quote "...what rough beast etc..."
They make me feel that someone knew, cleverly and with foresight that the Catholic Church were to begin their sorting. The Irish master of words, Yeats, was gloomed by the knowledge that his religion and culture were on their way out.
But no-one would really listen, I think, until nowadays.
Cheers for now Gillian

carol said...

Ah - not my interpretation but that's interesting!