17 Oct 2011

I am so sad - my iMac seems to have died, or at least to be in a critical condition. It won't boot up ( is that still the term?). Now I'm faced with a decision that isn't really much of a decision at all because the poor thing was already declared so out-dated as to be ready for the knackers last time I rang the help-line.

I'm going to have to replace it!

In the meantime, whilst I go busking, rob the rich to give to me, sell my body (any Burke and Hare teams out there willing to give me something on account, sort of pay now buy later scheme....) there will be no pics here. Sad.


stitching and opinions said...

that's a bugger.

carol said...

As you say!

Gillian said...

I think I would sell a kidney...or two!
Cheers Gillian

carol said...

I was about ready to do that.!