4 Apr 2012

Bringing up boys.

Throw them out into the cold! Frightfully good for the Character.

It cured his headaches (probably brought on by too much TV and internet) but gave me a sleepless night as I worried about him all alone in the middle of a fair-sized field at the mercy of Tommy Brock the badger who, as Beatrice  Potter tells us, is NOT a nice person. He's about 100 yards from his grandfather's house and another 100 from the field in which there are horses he knows well, but even so I'm not sure I could have done that at 13+  Apart from boredom once the batteries in his lantern ran out at about 11pm, he enjoyed himself so much I've just taken him back for a second night.

The horse were cosily in their stable tucked into their winter tog chaskits! They thought he was mad too.

His mother is in London learning where to stick needles into people. This is so ironic as she hates having needles stuck into HER. Predictably the students on this clinical acupuncture course are required to practice on each other so she spent the first morning with her head between her knees until they dug out a set of very fine needles for use on small children! Unfortunately yesterday they were shown the use of much larger-than-average needles and she fainted clean away at the sight. They must be really glad she's in the group.

Knowing my daughter she will overcome and return to us triumphant, with a certificate to put on her wall.

It isn't, in my opinion, REAL acupuncture anyway, doesn't use the meridians known for centuries by the Chinese, but it seems to work for some so it's another feather in her cap, string to her bow or  perhaps arrow in her quiver would be most appropriate.

Addendum: I was wrong about clinical acupuncture not using the meridians - it does, a bit anyway.

Sanders camped out for three nights and had to be forced to come home. He needed a bath. He didn't WANT a bath of course.

He heard the badger (they are heavy beasts) blundering through the hedge to inspect his tent.

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