It would be a hot and sunny day just when I have forced myself to reorganise the shop for a month of selling. I need some cash for the trip south to the Cornish Pixies' Naming Day and this seemed like one way of getting it. It will also hopefully thin the stock further. Paperback novels at 50p and hardbacks at £1 - better than the charity shops. There's no point in hanging on to novels when they can be had on Amazon for 1p + postage. At the end of the month there is a Forres Week and for that I shall put forward the local books. Already there have been folk trying to get in.
I know I'm going to hate sitting there again though. No iMac to waste time on either since it's all fitted up in the attic now. I shall have to write.
The Lily Pad has gone into hiding since it has been brought to my notice that TT reads it. Silly chap. Listeners hear no good of themselves.
It was getting a bit confusing anyway. My prefered method of writing is the patchwork approach. I like to write a section as it comes into my head then set it aside until I've got a matching piece to sew on to it. The conjoined pieces change each other thus everything evolves. I'm never sure what the end result is going to look like.
I was about to ask where the lilies had gone. Ours are nearly buried under Creeping Buttercup, don't know if that is significant.
Hope book sale goes well,you could do it as a surprise everytime you need some more mullah?
Could even fund a laptop to use .......
Now a laptop is a brilliant thought. That's what I need - incentives!!
The Lily Pad would still be visible if you had book marked it. I am oh so upset to find you hadn't!! (No... don't take that seriously!)
No I relied on Coffee bookmark and then an occasional peep thru your Profile, maybe T bookmarked it?????????
Must have! Anyway it has gone into another place altogether. I'll update you by email at some point. My attention is on other things just now.
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