It seems I'm back to being unable to settle at night. in Cornwall I was so exhausted at the end of each day I was unconscious within minutes. Melatonin does the trick with no hang-overs but can't be found off-prescription here stupidly enough. G'son was prescribed it so I had a couple of his to try before we went away and each time got a good seven hours kip. I tried Nytol but it knocked me out for half the next day and then I noticed that it's contra-indicated for asthmatics. I can't serously believe it would be strong enough to cause one to sleep so deeply as to forget to struggle for breath, the organism has a will to survive doesn't it? Nevertheless, once I'd seen the words I was too chicken to try again.
I've spent the time reorganising the shop, at least in my head, and now am about to do something physical toward the changes. The paperback and Book Club fiction is going to be 'Read & Return'as prompted by the shop friend Neil has taken over in Exeter. Seemed to be a popular move with the customers who were told about it yesterday. I just have to iron out some details. 'One price fits all' I think is the way to go, then there will be no temptation to alter the price. Though I don't think many folk would bother there are always one or two..... To be able to purchase a new copy of 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' for £3.99 from Amazon (and no postage) when I spent £12.99 on the 'Played with Fire' tome was a bit horrendous for us bookdealers who have to pay for the copies on our shelves. The choice would be to give up fiction altogether or do this thing. Fiction is popular so that doesn't seem the best way.
The other random thought that came to mind, which has nothing at all to do with books, is that we are very badly served with clothes shops in this end of the country. Shops that sell clothes that fit my odd shape in other words (and I can't be the only one surely?) In Ludlow I had not a single thought in my head about visiting the castle only spending a glorious half hour or so browsing a tiny shop on three floors with German, French and Italian labels that actually manage to look interesting whilst still being graceful, well cut, in good material and not TOO expensive. Without much money to spare I had to restrict myself to one jacket but oh how my wardrobe would change if I didn't have to make do with the conventional stuff sold in these towns.
Re quieter life comment below, my body [nothing to do with me] seems to need a very regular pattern. Get up at same time, take some exercise, don't get too social, don't drink tea after 8pm, go to bed at same time. Then I stand a chance of sleep.
So annoying.
Unless it is my migraine time, or I have been talking at too many peeps, then I have to read till 3a.m.
I went to Yarm today (approx 25 miles) to buy a pair of Not Your Daughter's Jeans, otherwise known as tummy-tuck jeans.
I bought a pair a couple of years ago and have worn them at least twice a week for all that time. They have always looked stunning and felt stunning even if I have worn them all week.
They are horribly expensive but you must put them on before I tell you how much they cost. Mine have cost me about 20p a wear and so well worth it that I bought some more.
Don't worry about anything else. Just get a pair of these jeans.
Cheers Gillian
ps. I can afford some lovely art work too
Thanks for the hints and advice from both. I do need both more excercise and jeans!
Re NMDJ, Gillian please tell me more...........are they comfortable??
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