This house, inland and up the hill a bit, is surrounded by deciduous trees and plantation pines. It had cherry trees - guyans - in the garden. They are sweet and delicious but tiny.
No street lamps and almost no neighbours. When I stepped out of the house at night it was totally dark unless there was a moon. I have never seen the milky way so clearly before. I still miss the owls .
The bird table Costa made me for a birthday was visited by dozens of kinds of small birds, a sparrowhawk (after the small birds) a woodpecker (the black, brown, orange and white kind) and squirrels. Deer came through to graze although there was a high fence.
I rather wish I had stayed in this one, but there were still adventures to be had elsewhere.
We had a huge exciting bonfire, later finding out we'd had it just above the septic tank.
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