Bought daughter a new bird bath for £19.99 and she found her sister's swan (made when they were at the Steiner school so circa 1991) I bought myself the same bird bath but have't found a centre piece yet so it doesn't look nearly so impressive.
Exciting start to the day: Arrived at the shop to be told I was off to the vet. Well, I've been depressed but wasn't sure I needed to be put down yet. .. ah.. the appointment was not for me . It was for Gizmo the hamster who had developed a nasty wheeze over night. She didn't enjoy the trip, nor the many dogs who were eyeing her up lustfully in the waiting room.
I wondered how the vet would listen to the chest of a hamster. Simple, the patient was squashed gently over the stethoscope, legs wiggling from all corners. She now has a course of antibiotics - if she can be persuaded to drink her water, which she thinks has been poisoned.
I've been reading Magaret Atwood's book 'Negotiating With The Dead' which is a series of pieces about writers and writing delivered as the Empson Lectures at Cambridge in 2000. I wish I had been to hear her deliver them but the published collection is great anyway and I've learned a lot more about her and her writing than I did in Aberdeen. I suppose I'm still glad to have seen her in the flesh but she puts in this quote that she 'pinched from a magazine' and I think it says what I feel. 'Wanting to meet an author because you like his work is like wanting to meet a duck because you like paté.'
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