24 Mar 2013


I seriously suck at taking photos on social occasions but here are a few of the 70th birthday celebrations. A wonderful meal was cooked for us chez Maison Argyris. Melt-in-the-mouth canapés. A sea food platter with lobster, shrimp and scallops. Mint, dill and lemon sorbet palette cleanser. Goose with delicious stuffing and orange gravy. Very nice veggie alternatives for Sophia. Passion fruit soufflé with chocolate fudge cake. A different wine with every course, (of course!) I could just feel my blood glucose level rising by the mouthful but sturdily ignored it because the stuff was all too delectable to be missed.  

Small grandsons ate enormously. Too enormously in one case, with disastrous results for my best duvet during the night.

The largest grandson (nearly 15) is now about 5'10" and can pick me up. This is not good. I seem to have lost any gravitas I might once have had.

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