4 Jul 2013

Surprise party

A friend organised a surprise party for herself. This is the way it worked: She booked a table at a restaurant in town for herself alone, told all her friends and acquaintances via Facebook and invited them to join her if they wished by booking themselves at her table - but without telling her. If it had been me I would have been convinced no-one would come and been in an agony of embarrassment about it for weeks beforehand. Not so Marieta, and she had no need to worry being a popular and outgoing soul. It's a small restaurant, very quiet normally on a Thursday, so when 24 people booked they were all of a tizz. The food was VERY slow arriving (we realised afterwards that the chef was in the restaurant chatting up one of the younger party-goers when he should have been cooking) and the noise and heat got too much for me, but I think everyone else had a good time so that was OK.

Other than that there isn't much to report. The time fills up nicely but not with adventures, which might be a good thing remembering the Chinese curse. 


Party girl

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