20 Jun 2010

For Tigger

Whilst I was at the gallery I bought postcards (I have to! It's part of the Art Exhibition Experience.) These cheetahs are by followers of Giovannino de' Grassi. c.1400


stitching and opinions said...

Just been to feed our Tigger for neighbour, he is an elderly and very scrawny ginger tom, so no close resemblance.

Gillian said...

Tigger in Durham admired them greatly.
Apparently a near wipe-out of the species a few thousand years ago means that all the present day ones are descendants of only a few. That's why today's lot all look like clones. Also a minor illness could finish the species off.
These elegant creatures have always fascinated humans.
Cheers Gillian

carol said...

I'd love to own one! or even any Tigger really. Not safe on the High Street - maybe when I move... when....