18 Jun 2010

Siege Perilous

I read a report about the dangers of the in-car screen-spray facility (their words not mine). A high number of sufferers from Legionnaires Disease were drivers who spent long hours in their cars and tended to spray their windscreens with naked water. The dreaded bacteria breeds in the nice warm environment causing all the horrible, hard-to-get-rid of symptoms of LD.

My son, once free as a bird to go ski-ing and windsurfing, now a twice-times dad with heavy responsibilities, spends the greater part of his days behind the wheel of a van driving between watersports centres in Cornwall, keeping the dishes spinning at each of them. I felt he should have this information, so sent him the newspaper report. His reply was: ‘Thanks mum. That it Explains It All. I’ve been feeling a bit c**p lately but a dose of screen cleaner in the mornings will soon fix that.’

I suppose he could gargle it.


stitching and opinions said...

Also received a Dread email saying we are all going to get cancer from the air conditioning in the car. Maybe it is a plot to make us walk

stitching and opinions said...

Have you seen Mary Beard's blog [address above] she is a Times writer and has a passingly amusing interlude about May Balls and Train travel today.