24 Sept 2013

Culture Day in the bookshop

Brian and Tez, two jolly readers.

Miriam's book is doing so well - self-publised first as an ebook, now  as a real book, she has  had a positive review in the Mail. the death of her husband whilst her children where very young is the beginning - but not the end. she's aware Irish woman with a wealth of humour and uncommon good sense. The title was to be 'Jesus Farted'  but this is a more modest choice that reflect her iconoclastic yet respectful attitude to - a lot of things!

A friend has put just a few of his exceptional life into this book. the time he spent in South America gives an insight into cultural ways that have probably long since disappeared. No less interesting are his memories of childhood in Scotland.
.......and here are some of Fiona's cards
Crawford's cards
and more of Fiona's....

A mind-stretching book, not for the narrow of vision. Based on an ancient text it tells why women should have always been in charge.

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