13 Sept 2013

Friday 13th

To cut to almost the end first, it hasn't been a Bad Day, the denouement to this tale is cheerful.

 Without realising it was the 13th I had been dreading Friday all week because I'd agreed to drive a friend an hour or so along the coast to a nice town with books and antiques. I didn't want to, but hadn't the heart to tell him.

Yesterday I texted him to suggest we left earlier than usual (the tradition is for an 11am kick off when questing for real ale and soup more locally). There was no reply, which is unlike him. This morning I kicked my heels a bit, phoned him several times, got no answer, started to worry.... went round... curtains drawn...no reply... he isn't a well man....

There was a cryptic text on Wednesday. 'Nice window. Might have to fly south.' I thought he was being sarcastic as it was raining heavily, and that he poetically imagined himself flying south with the birds. I was totally sure he would have been clearer if he meant anything else - after all we had a firm appointment with fish'n chips this week (and real ale.)

So I tried the neighbours. No answer. So I went to the police station. They told me it was the Right Thing Do Have Done.

Of course it was. But I still feel like a duffus. They raised a neighbour (surely I don't look THAT English or like a Witness?) They got a key, found no collapsed person, rang NHS, no admittance.... He must be OK

But he won't be when he gets home.


stitching and opinions said...

Auntie Cinders couldn't make the phone work last week, [run out of battery]. What to do! 95 you know. So she rummaged in a cupboard to find a cow horn [!?} stood on the doorstep and Blew, until someone came out of their house to see what the noise was. Think what that would have attracted on YOuTube.
She could have walked next door, pressed her Panic Button, no- cow horn was the answer.

carol said...

Brilliant. Hope I have the chutzpah if I get to that age!