5 Feb 2009

Finally we have the snow.

I think True Thomas looks very cute with his snow cap and the freckling on his nose.

There isn't much just here in this little coastal town but up the hill a bit, above the snow line (where Chloë lives) there was 12" fell in the night. Grandson is very happy because he had 'the best day ski-ing ever' in the Lecht yesterday.


Gillian said...

There's plenty of snow in the Midlands. I'm snowed in at a friends and Tigger is having an elongated stay at the cattery. I shall try to get out of the drive tomorrow. Lot's of fun in gumboots getting to the shop for supplies but no skiing...yet.
Cheers Gillian

stitching and opinions said...

No snow here but having to invite ma to Sunday Lunch [instead of dinner] as it is very frosty - and as she reminds me it is a almost exactly a year since she fell and Nearly broke her hip.
Oh good.

carol said...

No snow?? How is that possible?? You are favoured above the rest of the country it seems. Unfair.

carol said...

...and, Gillian you are indomitable. I stay in as much as possible and am getting cabin fever only slightly.

Whose feet are those by the way?