The myth of the Moon Gazing Hare reflects ancient beliefs. Pagans believed that seeing a moon gazing hare would bring growth, re-birth, abundance, new-beginnings and good fortune. The hare is known to be sacred to the goddess Eostre and eventually became known as the Easter bunny. At Easter we eat Hot-Cross-Buns, the cross on the bun is said to represent the four quarters of the moon, these buns were originally pagan offerings and were often hung from rafters to scare off evil that lurked in houses.
How interesting.
And I love hot cross buns, Sainsbury's have them nearly all year. They used to do wholemeal ones, which eased the guilt but now they are just white and make me howl at the moon after I have devoured a whole packet.
Ditto. Tesco still (I hope) do whole meal. I daren't buy a packet too often. Oh dear, now my mouth is watering...
Listen you two, I was managing without until you started on about them!
Anyway, thankyou Carol. I shall now eat them with relish. I haven't seen the moon at night lately but shall look out for the blue colour.
Cheers Gillian
I remember seeing hot cross buns nailed to the beams in a pub once, one for every year. The older they got the more shrivelled they were.
OMiG Sue - I'd better not find that pub or they may find their collection has disappeared...
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