Wow! I made it to 65. I never thought I would. This is, naturally, the most flattering of a heavily vetted bunch. I look best full face and smiling - conceals most of the wrinkles and doesn't emphasise the dewlap. Obviously not full body either - too many lumps and bumps there. In my experience it is safest never to ask a man to take your photo once you're past a certain age - they take from under the chin. Not good.
Unless you're perfect.
Thanks for the good wishes Gillian, and thanks for the Kathy Reich Chillsider - I was going to save it for the trip but am half way through already. Of course I haven't read it. It was published in 2008. Much too recent to hit the shelves here. The card is brilliant too. Is it a hanging?
Looking good, could still get refused free travel on the bus!
That's a lovely pic. If you buy a pair of chicken wire cutters at B&Q they ask you if you are 21!!! If your local one doesn't do you that favour, you can always call in at the Bishop Auckland branch
Cheers Gillian
Many Happy Returns! You're looking well. A quick glance at this here blog suggests you may have had the shop closed for a while... hhope it's all back in action now. I sort of like the idea that we can have book shops at either end of Britain. That's right Lili and I are about to take over a book shop here in Exeter. Well, Waterstones was looking iffy, and this place is still turning a profit, so what the hell. All the best Carol, hope we see you someday soon. Neil (shop blog: though i can also be found at and on twitter as milomidnight, I don't really get along with Facebook)
I love your blog Neil - I tried to comment but without success. I'll try again when I have more time. Lovely books covers - all my favourite books. I'm so glad you've got a bookshop - it's definately the best trade in the world to be in because all the world is there. My grumps throughout this blog here are strictly my own stuff...
love to you and Lili.
Thank you ladies - as I said, it's the best photo of the bunch. Wish I could do long hair like chillsider - so interesting. Sadly my hair's just not thick enough.
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