Young Sanders hates wearing his kilt because like me he can't bear any wool within an inch of his tender skin. For the boys it also involves thick ribbed woollen socks. Torture. They have to be worn at all official occasions and all day Fridays when there is a an end-of-week Service. Cruel and unusual punishment. The Highland Games was a kilt day so a day of enormous suffering. His mum has tried surreptitiously lining it with heavy silk and I bought him cotton socks to go under the itchy ones but he still suffers. The girls have a better time of it and evidently enjoy them more, wearing these full length swingy-when-you-walk ones with a bit of attitude.
He can't be entirely unusual because the wearing of the kilt full-time is brought in as a punishment. A female pint-of-poison in Sandy's class blacked a boys' eye last week and is doomed to wear her kilt for a month!
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