I shopped locally for these two in a nice toy shop a few doors away, the owners of which are biting their nails because the season isn't happening yet in Forres - I hope I got it going for them this morning! After a lot of wavering between clothes and sensible 'educational' toys I decided that every one-year-old needs an utterly useless squashy green dragon which does nothing but grin, take up two grown-up-sized seats and let you cuddle it.
Pirate-guy has buckles and zips and laces which his older bros can show off with. (There's also a clock coming for Big Bros to put together and some nice classical music for them both.)
Now all I've got to do is find a big enough box.
Postage is a pain, when I send to the glorious grandson it sometimes costs more than the contents. The nice Postie instructed me, on my last foray, to take my parcel back and repack it in this whisky carton [empty] he happened to have about his shop. Apparently it rearranged the proportions of the gift so it would fit within a cheaper rate, so squish that green monster!
05 December 2009
Sorry just realised you probably know more about posting parcels than i do.
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