4 Jun 2012

Vivat Regina!

Never let it be said we can't party up here. Friends put together the garden party seen below, complete with cellar bar and greenhouse restaurant. there were quite a number of guests but as usual C&H had thought of a game to spread us out. They were possibly hoping to lose us in the woods. Harley had downloaded images of 36 old queens (yes, Danny La Rue etc. were included) and we had to scramble round his little estate, perilously tripping over rickety rackety bridges to find counterpart photos with information on who they had married. (not Danny!) 8 were easy of course,  but I had never heard of  Sigrid the Haughty!

Later there might be a photo of my hat, £5 from Sainsbury's with cheap dyed flowers from Tesco. I thought the effect was rather good.

I enjoyed myself.

1 comment:

stitching and opinions said...

A good game, I would have enjoyed that.............but didn't know Sigrid either. The green house is immaculate, very envious. We had hog roast on the village playing field, promised myself I would make the effort and then decided to support A Murray instead, a duty really!