2 Jun 2012

Red, White and Blue.

Belatedly I popped in to our local newsagent to buy bunting for the shop window. If not bunting I was prepared to stick Union Jacks amongst the health food and supplements on display. The Red Cross next door and a Nickel & Dime two doors along that is run by efficient, friendly, immigrants (possibly second or third generation, don't know) have made an effort to decorate themselves in the national colours so we thought we should show a leg. I found a box of Saltires and that red dragon on yellow concoction, but not a single Union Jack. No red, White or blue crepe paper to improvise, certainly no bunting. A message here? In the Sixth Form debating society I remember standing up for the monarchy, mostly on the premise it was better to have a toothless monarch than a mad President. Blair would have loved to be President I think, and as for Alex Salmond.... Heaven help us all (crosses self fervently). In my paper this week a reader's letter pointed out that Sweden, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands, all countries with excellent 'social mobility' records, also all have constitutional hereditary monarchs. The republic of France on the other hand has as many social mobility (catch phrase de jour it appears) problems as we have, so there is something else at work in the system. I'm going to a friend's garden party Monday. We have to wear hats. I'm sporting an import from Oz brought back recently by other friends, no corks (sadly, as they have a tiny loch on their land that is a breeding ground for The Midge) but it will keep the rain off. Have a good weekend everyone!

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