25 Nov 2008

Back in the saddle.

I feel as if I have been away for weeks rather than ten days. It was a lovely holiday, chock full of warm family experiences and a good deal of red wine and whisky.

It was very hard to open the shop this morning. My heart really isn't in it. Even two paying customers hasn't helped much. There have also been the folk with requests: 'Will you order a book for me,' and 'What will I do if you close? Will you still order books for me?'

Sorry. No. I won't. I shall shut the door and pull up the drawbridge. That's what I want to do already.

The ongoing situation with my grandson has not improved and I can see now how much of my energy it's taking even though there are others to support my daughter and there isn't anything I can usefully do. The poodle-with-something-else owned by the Cornish pixies was helpful in removing much of my tension - massaging a dog is wonderful for getting rid of stress. I wanted to bring her home but her family love her too! It's not practical for me to have a dog and much too tying but very difficult to resist.


Gillian said...

So glad to hear you are safely and sort of happily home. I'm sort of moved and happily so. I'll contact you soon.
Cheers Gillian

stitching and opinions said...

Come on, get your digit out, I need grounding in this land of the free.............it's all too awesome!