5 Nov 2008

Good result.

Well done America!

I feel light headed from lack of sleep. It was mesmerising listening to the same salient points being repeated over and over, the same explanations and details repeated, then suddenly another news flash and another and the building of tension from hardly daring to hope (remember, remember...when I was ready to cheer with relief for Al Gore) to hope, to euphoria, to watching the tears and the amazement. They'd done it! I'm sorry not to be an American today. (That's a first.) Still, it's enough to hear the comments of the French and German Presidents, even the Russian's cautious welcome and the dignified, inspiring speeches and to hope this might be the sign the USA has finally grown up, maybe even that world politics will change so we hear no more of the vicious back-biting of the power-hungry, just the intelligent thoughts and ideals of statesmen who want to make it a better place for us all.

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