15 Nov 2008

Beam me up Scottie.

Bring on the days of teleportation. I don't have to go to Nevada but Cornwall seems quite daunting enough today. The whole packing thing is a nightmare. What to take what to leave... if past experience is anything to go by whatever I take I will need what I have left behind. On that basis I may as well stuff the bags with anything and relax.

Sandy seems better. His father is momentarily co-operating and communicating. Won't last but a solicitor has been consulted and letters will be written about his harrassment of C and constant undermining of her parenting etc. etc. (I wrote a list 25 'misdemeanours' without pausing for breath and handed it to the solicitor so she has something to choose from.) C was taken into A&E with pains in her chest so was hors de combat for a while. The pains have been declared not serious but the result of long-term stress.

Sitting on the train with nothing to do and no-one to talk to will be some sort of holiday and if my daughter-in-law has milk brain by now we should be about on the same planet. Hopefully she'll not have post-natal depression or we might have to fill feeding bottles for ourselves with gin and weep our way through the nights sucking on them and on our thumbs whilst the toddler looks after the baby.

I'm in training for the broken nights anyway so that's a plus!

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