11 Mar 2009

Am I the only person in the world...

... who was bored by 'The Time Traveler's Wife.' (Where does one put the interrogation mark at the end of that sentence? It surely can't be included with the title and would look all wrong stuck on the end. I should have listened harder in grammar lessons.)

It's never comfortable finding oneself out of step with the rest of the world and that's how I feel today, not only because of the book, which is the first novel I can remember abandoning after a few chapters, but because I didn't want to get out of bed this morning and I still feel resentful that habit and a spurious rectitude dragged me out! I'm grumpy!

Iain's operation is over and to everyone's intense relief he is neither paralysed nor incontinent, which are both possible outcomes of spinal bulge surgery. The hospital is threatening to kick him out already.


Gillian said...

Glad Iain's op went well, they can be dicey. My sister id due for major surgery tomorrow and we are all anxious for her.
It's ....who was bored by "The Time Traveller's Wife"?
Cheers Gillian

stitching and opinions said...

Good about Iain, as a slightly incontinent partner myself.
I bought Time Traveller but couldn't bring myself to start it, now it will be even further back in the list.
Son phoned last night to say he has devoured 3 of the CJ Sansoms's and desperately looking for 4th, which is good as he had given up reading.
I am chuntering lightly thru "An expert in murder" nicola upson, pastiche on young Agatha C maybe, much more aimiable than medievil mayhem.

carol said...

Invocations for the well-being of your sister Gillian. I hope she's through it and comfortbale by now. Thanks for the grammar advice. To think I masqueraded as a teacher of English for a few years.

Thanks for book titles G-woman. I shall look out Nicola Upson. Sansom - haven't tried, though there are some on the shelves here.