15 Mar 2009

Dragon lines.

It's 1.40am and I feel less tired than I do during the daytime. This is very odd as I used to go to bed at 9.30 or even earlier, at the same time as the children in my younger day. I believe it's something to do with age. I'm learning to enjoy the night-time as a part of the 24hrs when no-one is going to want anything of me and I needn't feel obliged to look as if I'm filling time sensibly. In these hours I am often more optimistic too.

Something came up about ley lines in the last day or two and has created a stirring to get out and find some, or at least go to a few standing stones, circles or cairns. A line from Chillsider's blog about reaching the 'smooth zone' on a project where she knows what she has to do, reminded me of finding that zone in the past occasionally and how very pleasant it is. Maybe the dragon lines will lead me there.


Gillian said...

I have also been talking to someone about ley lines, more than once in the last week. We saw some strange parallel foam lines in the reservoir we were walking beside. Suggestions of their cause were .....wind direction, ley lines, colloids and landing strips caused by the geese! All were worth thinking about.
Cheers Gillian

stitching and opinions said...

Has the dragon got your tongue?