28 Mar 2009

Power points

There hasn't been much chance to chase dragon lines in the last week or two but the urge hasn't gone away and I took a trip up to a local hill claimed by some to be a 'power point.' It's a small conical hill with a spiral path that has been deliberately worn by people treading their way to the top. 35 years ago at the height of the UFO-spotting, Space-Brother-channelings era folk would watch through the nights up there for visitations. I have to confess I didn't feel anything much - and I boldly make a claim to being reasonably sensitive to earth energies. Maybe it's just over-used and a bit drained. I know how it feels if so! This whole area is anyway a bowl of earth energy IMO and therefore the residents get accustomed to its vibratory level. (Oh heck, is this me saying these things..? I generally avoid such talk having been on the receiving end of it far too often and irritably dismissed it all as 'precious.')

When I first visited these parts I felt it all very strongly, had dreams and nightmares, was even slightly unhinged by it for a while (no comments from the back there please) and like many people I haven't been able to pull away from it, even though I sometimes think I would like to. On the other hand I don't actively feel it all as I used to. It's like getting used to a localised discomfort - or pleasure. The nerve-endings continue to transmit but the brain stops being interested enough to give it much attention.

What I'm looking for again, like an addict trying to recapture the first hit, is the sort of buzz N & I both got from touching the stones at Carnac.

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