3 Jan 2011

1st working morning of 20011

I spent the morning freezing my butt off in the shop, a potentially gloomy time that was cheered because I was allowed to play with my daughter's new iPad. That was fun. I checked you all out. I also found tens - hundreds - of crits of 'Freedom,' not one that agreed with the personal irritations I registered, but there were a pre-decimal dozen or so which were less than euphorically positive about it.

I did enjoy the iPad but... not sure how creative I could be with it and I was terrified of dropping the skinny slab because I'm clumsy these days. The book page ('app' should I say? I hate this disintegration of the language...) is sort of fun, but the number of words per page is so few that it felt like reading a Ladybird. Maybe that's adjustable.


stitching and opinions said...

Haven't been introduced to an ipad yet........have signed on to Twitter but then had nothing to say. Oh dear.

carol said...

I'm sure I'd have nothing to say - I exhaust all my twitter-potential on the poor customers!