29 Feb 2008


Drafty morning. Cold. They got the forecast right for once. There's a nice pile of books to work through from a couple I like very much. Should be some titles amongst them I can put on Amazon, which is also good as my listings have dropped. Good takings still but ti helps the peristalsis to keep shovelling them in. . An exhibtion at the Steading this afternoon and I'm sharing a bottle of wine with H this evening. Promises to be a good day.

I pointed out to Gordon that Vanya could ask him to marry her today, which provoked an amusing exchange between them. Seems as if the moment one of them is ready to commit the other is having cold feet or thinking it isn't important. I wonder. Gordon looks like Billy Connolly now - shoulder length grey hair, very clean and wavey and bouncy, as indeed is Gordon. He's my age but wears better I would say. Maybe it's having a younger woman along with him.

Last Leap Year I asked P to marry me. But in jest. I knew I couldn't have put up with the mess. It was a sort of olive branch if I remember rightly. We had had one of the many cold spots. I suppose, as I am spending the evening with H we will talk about him so his ears should be burning. She is more recently out from under the Influence. I have had two years to clear him from my system. I hope his new billet doesn't ask him. He may be interested enough in her insurance to accept. Then there will be the time of fun. Then the waning of fun. Then the grumpy silences. Then he will spend long hours at the computer and there will be emails from other women. Then phone calls. Then absences. All reported openly and jovialy to her; enlisting her in his renewed enthusiasm for life. Maybe suggesting they join Swingers.co.uk where he is still listed. Worst of all, unless she is very strong and perceptive, the insinuation that whatever is wrong is her fault. H & I hav already compared notes you see. If it were just my experience I couldn't write all this, but it isn't. Gertie was very relieved that his conversation with H4 was received and taken note of. He felt a responsibility. H2 had H1 and me around and the Foundation - and is any way a strong perceptive woman. But we all have our weaknesses. I remember him telling me about the advice his grandfather gave him: 'Marry a plain woman. They'll always be grateful.' I think he took it to heart, choosing women with pleasant but homely faces. H1 looks fantastic these days so I'm really not being derogatory here, but none of us are stunners. The stunners tend to be put off by his advances. They've had too many. My daughter Sophie really disliked him. He probably came on to her. And Sheila; and Kate; and Jane who is so sweet - she seemed to get his measure quickly though like the rest of us she was amused and entertained and grateful (that word again!) for the attention... 'He makes you feel as if you've known him all your life' was her comment. He has askd two women to marry him in the past four years to our knowledge. Maybe more. Last summer the woman in Ipswich was startled to be dumped so abrubtly when she had suggested they might live near each other for a while to get to know each other first. He needed a billet so that wasn't going to work for him. She found out later that he had come on to her friend in a meaningful way, making her friend very uncomfortable. Oh you with the red umbrella out there, put it up. Put up your defenses before you feel the rain.

He did teach me how to be a good book seller - by being a bad one. More of that later. I just had to get that down.

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