29 Feb 2008

Two Doris Lessing 1sts have arrived, one with a postcard from her to the ex-owners about a conference she wasn't able to attend. More for the bookfair. I shall have quite a rank of DL. She doesn't fetch huge prices despite the Nobel Prize but her earlier works (the best IMO) can fetch a respectable amount and I have two signed US firsts of the 'Children of Violence' sequence. It's nice to be able to sell books I really value myself, I can share my pleasure in them with the customer. One reason I don't sell gardening books any more - I have no idea whether they are good bad or indifferent because I 'm not interested in gardening.

No difficult customers so far, only charming ones and a couple of lads who had found some 'really old books' at the back of a cupboard. They turned out to be 1960's children's books. Not collectable in the least. But it made me feel old.

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