7 Apr 2009

Spring cleaning.....

....has been happening. Somehow it feels inevitable with the sunshine showing the dust and the time to see it; also to prowl the house on my own. Amazing what comes up; photos and knick-knacks I haven't seen for years, old clothes I haven't taken out of the cupboard for years, keys to other houses long since moved out of (oops!) Dissertations on 'Performance Art,' 'The Knee,' 'Teaching Techniques for Sports. Written by my three children at their respective places of further education ( Some very wise words about 'trauma as it is held in the body' written by my son who I really didn't think was into that stuff. Somewhere along the way it must have been part of his training course for teaching watersports and ski-ing.)

Piles of half-starts and half-hearted-starts at stories, poems, novels, by me. I feel as if I have been living on deep litter made of paper.

Walks, coffee and cake (a new place discovered; V. nice) and connecting with friends. A desultory attempt to be present at a performance of singing crystal bowls was thwarted by the absence of the performer yesterday, so that's something for another day. All in all a good and rather lazy time is being had by this person.

1 comment:

stitching and opinions said...

get on with the story, I want to read more