18 Aug 2009

Identity crisis?

<<Professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is part of his surname and not a typographical mistake)>>

This man has been working on a model to demonstrate the likelihood of zombies taking over the world (sort of... it has a more realistic biological function if Zombies = Lethal Disease).

Anyway, I don't really care what he's spending his time doing, I want to know if I too can add a question mark after my name. I'm never sure who this person is whose name I bear. It would be nice to own up to that, then maybe someone would tell me who I really am?



Gillian said...

I think I'd like an exclamation mark after mine.
Cheers Gillian!

carol said...

You do strike me as more of an exclamation mark Gillian - I thrive on your positivity. It shakes me up when I'm wallowing!

Thanks for being there!

stitching and opinions said...

Alright I will join in, we surely need several names for our separate personalities, or Worzel Gumidge heads that we could exchange to suit/change mood.
More important we are still waiting for holiday pics..........

stitching and opinions said...

This is a Google page quote today -
Sometimes people carry to such perfection the mask they have assumed that in due course they actually become the person they seem.
- W. Somerset Maugham
so perhaps we do have to carefully examine who we are pretending to be, maybe someone else would be more fun

stitching and opinions said...

Far be it for me to be excessive in comments but i note that today you have had exactly 1000 visitors to your profile.