10 May 2008

Thunder in the air.

It's a big commitment opening a shop. Probably if I had stopped to think about it in that way I wouldn't have done it, and most of the time it doesn't weigh too heavy even after four years, but I am getting more aware of it as being a 'duty' and as 'earning my living' which if I had been rather more mature and sensible about the whole relationship issue I would never have had to do. I've written some stuff about this before but now seems to be the time to write more.

And as she said that a book-bearing person arrived......

...and so the day has passed and I shan't be writing about the Beginning of it All again today. That can wait for another time. I have listed 50 books, half brought in by a woman in three washing baskets and donated for free, and half brought by William the book scout. I still haven't completely got to the truth about what William does. He is elderly and well-heeled and talks about 'clearing out the cottages when folk leave.' I thought he meant the tourists but now am getting a picture of William as a buyer-up of cottages which he then lets to holidaying tourists. In that case it explains why the quality of books is so good. I did think it was surprising that people would leave behind so many fine and useful titles but if they have died - well they didn't have much option! The end result is the same whatever he does: he brings me some interesting books. Todays' were very good.

The freebies weren't bad either, mostly New Age, mostly titles that haven't fallen to the megalisters. But - but - I am left with a very good selection of hardback copies all in German. About 20 all in excellent condition. Not so good! I can't list them on Amazon and have nowhere to put a German language section in the shop. I shall have to find another way of moving them on.

For 15 minutes I spoke French with a man called Charles. I THINK we understood each other. It comes back, but patchily.

I am out of sorts. It's the weather. It feels thundery. It makes me feel thundery. And ominous.

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