31 May 2008


Much as I like silence it sems rather strange to be sitting here without music on a Saturday. This used to be my one day for playing cd's in the shop, but when I found out I had to pay for a licence I stopped. I'm not making THAT much profit. Chloe can play music without a licence because she is 'medical' or a therapist or somesuch category so she has the music in her room when she is working. If it bleeds through into mine I won't get charged for it. I may have disregarded the notice when it came round after the shop opened but it arrived again this time for Chloe and she rang up to get the full picture. Now I really don't dare flout the rules.

There is beautiful sunshine outside and very few people have wanted to come inside. Boring. Never mind, only one more hour to go. Then a glass or two of wine and some weeding I think. I wonder what the rest of the world is up to? My grandson had trouble catching his pony this morning - so did the rest of the humans up at the stables. They were all out trying to coax her in. She needs a horse-whisperer that minx.

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