29 May 2008


As mentioned the week has been spent listing books. More from the resourceful William of the bird-watching and fishing variety, and more Folio Society. Well, I would groan about the number of FS around the shelves, but the last time I had Proust he sold, to my surprise. He's one of those writers many of us feel we should have read and some of us (my ex for instance) actually do read, so now the shop is properly armed with the Works if anyone is overcome by the urge. I've been asked for Joseph Conrad fairly often lately - now I have a complete set. (So will never be asked again?) It's a pity Folio Society books aren't cool in the way that Penguin Books are. Maybe one day they will be.

The few tourists around are happy to buy the Scottish stock (I just wrote Scottish sock. Maybe one of them would sell too.) Next week the town has its bi-annual influx of visitors from the twin town in Germany. I have my 'Wilcommen' sign in the window but hope they don't think that means I have any other German conversation. It's quite - interesting for want of a better word, this twinning with German towns. In my experience there is still a entrenched dislike of Germans amongst the older folk even if they have learned to moderate their views in public. Maybe I'll watch 'Heimat' again (I have been left with it whilst its owner travels into Belgium and Germany, to the very region where 'Heimat' is set which pleases him. It transpires Danielle has some cousins living there.

That's not much about the shop - but then there isn't much happening sadly.

I can't find my way into fiction yet. More time needed?

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