4 Sept 2008

Looking back.

I've just been reading my own words here for March. There was much more about books and the shop. This is what happens when there is no money to buy books, my thoughts wonder and my interest wanes. A downward spiral which might become a nose-dive I can't pull out of if I'm not careful. There have been family visits to distract, and summer is a more outgoing outward-looking time I suppose, but even Donald doesn't seem very interested in books just now. He is back into the football season, racing up and down the field egging on (sorry, coaching) the school teams. Hopefully we shall meet up next week and even if books are not the topic of conversation the books in his house might re-awaken some interest. There's a book fair coming up at the end of September and to that one I SHALL go.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Up and at it Carol!
It has been a busy family phase and you are sitting back and trying to make judgements about things to do with your family. There is no doubt that it has been a dull time now and then in the shop but the Bookfair will put you back on top.
Get sorting and packing!
Cheers Gillian