26 Jul 2009

The benefits of a slow week.

Whilst my fellow bloggers have been getting out and about I have been sitting somewhat grumpily in the shop so have no photos to show of airy places or fascinating heritage. Oh well. The off-shoot of all this doing-nothing-without-even-a-computer-to-amuse-me has been an effort to return to the morning meditation-and-yoga routine of the olden days. It did feel rather like coming home. The yoga was easier the first day of course, after that the body stiffened and became more resistant. I shall try to overcome my natural distaste for routine and persist. It has the undeniable attractions of being both cost-free and energising.

Yoga is the only excercise I have ever enjoyed. I do love the feeling of stretching my body and getting all the messages from it; also the focus it generates. No competition from anyone else. Lots of satisfaction. This week I was also interested to hear the g'son say about archery that it was his 'best sport' next to riding. Coming from an almost-11 year old who might be expected to want fast-moving, competitive, high impact stuff I thought that was quite encouraging. Archery involves the same sort of body-mind focus as yoga as far as I can tell. To discover the pleasure in that is to have an ever-present resource for satisfaction and renewal.

Memo to self.

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