27 Jul 2009

Something fishy.

Help urgently needed. I was given a very lovely, very long, string of wooden beads for my birthday. They go with everything and I love wearing them except - when warmed by proximity to my body they smell fishy. The first time I noticed it I was holding g'son the 3rd and blamed his nappy. Instructions say not to spray with perfume - which is fishy in itself as I suspect instructions are the result of disturbed owners spraying for the same reason so WHY DON'T THEY CHANGE THEIR GLUE OR PAINT OR WHATEVER??

It's Monday. I'm grumpy. I found out yesterday that anything ending in 'ise' should read 'ize'. Now I thought that was an americanised (sorry, ized) spelling and have been avoiding it for years supercilliously.

That's what you get for watching day-time TV (Morse in this case).

It has stopped raining which is lovely but I have to sit in the shop which isn't and just shows someone is out to get at me personally.

On top of that - my body is screaming. A bit of yoga for a couple of mornings never did this in the past. What is different now?

Don't answer that.

Added later: Maybe Morse was wrong about the 'ise'v 'ize' question. 'ise' seems to be the good old British way, but that's terrible. He solved a crime on the strength of his knowledge of the dic. re ise/ize. (Which dic? Not sure but surely British?) Oh dear. All my foundations are crumbling. My sense of identity is threatened....


stitching and opinions said...

Only wear the beads in winter when the glue will remain cool? Keep them in the fridge?
I record Morse and watch on a slow evening,[nearly every evening to be honest] those early ones were so much better! Oh dear here it comes..... nostalgia attack.

Gillian said...

Keep doing the yoga, it will get better and so will you. I keep telling myself that now I have settled down I'll find a class and start again. I have a wizard DVD to do at home but that isn't anywhere nearly as good as a real teacher.
I've given up on right/wrong spelling and now realise/ize that it is all much easier if classified as conventional/unconventional. Like the loss of adverbs and the take-over of all pronouns by "to". It frets me less.
Cheers Gillian