22 Jul 2009

Pigs might fly.

I did catch myself thinking that this might be my last autumn/winter on earth as the chances of my lungs coping with swine flu seem remote. However after a chat with the doctor about the availibility of Tamiflu and the onset of a vaccination programme (my turn comes in the third wave) it seems I might not have to succumb. When I'm really bored (as I probably will be at about 3pm today for instance) I wonder why continuing to exist is so important but curiousity pulls one on.

I've been putting a little thought into what I might plinth (it just HAS to become a verb now: To plinth: to express; to communicate; to showcase; to give form; to provoke thought...

Don't hold your breath. So far I have come up with nothing.


Gillian said...

What to plinth? That will keep me busy in thought for a while.
As for swine flu, stay away from people. Let no-one breath on you and avoid crowds. I don't enjoy the company of masses of people and have developed regimes which avoid them eg shop early, don't go to big events etc.
I'm pretty happy at the moment so perhaps I could plinth "Happiness" and try to catch people looking at me and smile at them to see how many I could get to smile back. I wouldn't like being in the audience...too close to the crowds...but up on a plinth, Oh Yes!
Cheers Gillian

chillsider said...

One of my stitchers group told me today that I had aplied to go on the plinth. I replied she had seriously mistaken my personality if she thought that could be true.
Defensive moi??
Funny how I admire the people up there but am affronted anyone would think I would do it..........