12 Apr 2008

Profit margins.

Two people have asked me in as many days if this place makes a profit. Both had an 'Of course I know it can't really and you only do it as a hobby' tone in their voices. If they only knew! I finally got around to doing my tax return (late, I've really been under the weather for a while now and what with one thing and another..) for 2006-7 and find I have a hefty bill to pay. In the complete privacy of this space (!?) I can safely divulge that the shop made £17,000 profit that year. Which really startled me because I hadn't been adding it up and it didn't feel much when I was living on it monthly. Well, it isn't much, but it's adequate.

When I finished the adding up there was a moment of quiet triumph and a moment of 'Oh shit!!' because I hadn't thought to put any aside as I went along. The payment problem has been dealt with, but I shall have to be better organised in future. The triumph comes from making this amount from a very small stock, which proves it's really not size that counts, it's all about choosing the right books.

The profit margin would be knocked seriously if I had to pay a High Street rent, but then I wouldn't do it anyway.

Maybe I should just pat myself on the back and celebrate instead of feeling so useless.

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