9 Apr 2008

Sunshine - a little

The rain seems to be letting up a bit amd I see sunshine on the grass in front of the church. Trade is slow but not terrible and I have more antibiotics to assist my body in recovering from that very insidious bug so - not too bad on the whole. The most exciting moment today was when I succesfully downloaded Firefox and found I could get a pic onto the 'about me' bit of this blog, something Safari just wasn't managing. Don't know why when it managed to get pics onto the post pages but - there we are. It's all a myster to me. Firefox also enabled me to find the Google map of Amazombies one clever chap initiated and even to add a bit about the shop. Brilliant. Now all I need to do is find out how to change fonts and colours like other folk... I'm always a bit behind the technogeeks.

Gotta go make coffee for Chloe.....

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