2 Aug 2008

...and here's the other thing...

.....I wanted to say... to withinthewalledgarden The colours of the dyed wools are glorious! Am I right in thinking tansy is also known as ragwort? That is certainly poisonous to horses and cattle daft enough to eat it. I have served my time clearing it out of fields the ponies were about to graze.

I am getting this image of Gillian's kitchen as an alchemists' lair. Etchings of alchemists always have them in sinister dark places with stuffed crocodiles tied to the ceiling; live owls flitting in and out, and bats of course. Bats - well these have made more than a guest appearance on the blog - and now the chemicals... that's most of the requirements for a career in witchcraft and wizardry. I hope all the bottles are clearly labelled.


Gillian said...

Ragwort is not the same. It's more of a daisy shape and Tansy is like little buttons. Like a yellow daisy with only it's middle bit and no petals.
My kitchen is not so romantic!
Cheers Gillian

carol said...

Aw shucks - let me dream!!
;-) Cx