17 Aug 2008

Why oh why?

Sunday and the phone rings: "Hallo Carol, this is Jolly D. Remember me from Brussels days? M and I are in Findhorn right now. I've just had such a lovely conversation with Nick and we would love to meet up with you both. We were all such good pals..."

OH NOOOO!..... We weren't such good pals! I REALLY don't want to meet up!

Force majeur I am about to.

Why is it such a terror to meet someone I haven't seen for 30 years? Especially this particular woman, who I just know will be eagle eyed for the clothes I am wearing, the signs of ageing, the sagging decrepitude; the poor account of what I have done with my life!

It's me who will be taking account of course. I hate looking back. I hate being reminded of potential lost and mistakes made.

It was such a peaceful day until that phone call.


Gillian said...

Oh Carol! shame on you. You are an attractive, articulate, independent and erudite woman with the sort of personality that makes people WANT to meet up again after 30 years. They could have not bothered. Head up high.
If they don't look 30 years older too then they've been cheating.
Cheers Gillian

stitching and opinions said...

She's quite right.

carol said...

Thanks to you both for your support. I think I have mentioned my paranoid streak before on this blog!