1 Aug 2008

Pinch'n a punch....

...the first of the month. White rabbits!

There's no-one to do it to today so cyber pinches to all my readers!

The 1st of August. It's pouring with rain and last night I was suddenly aware how the nights are drawing in. (I like that phrase 'drawing in.' It is at once cosy and inward turning.) There's always a moment in August when I feel autumn has arrived and today is that day this year. It's a lttle sad (I am a melancholic, romantic person) but also good to feel the changing of the seasons. With darker mornings I would expect to sleep later and might if the gull chicks (now the same size as their parents) didn't wake me with their wistfully 'where's-my-food?' cheepings. They now sound deeper, rather asthmatic, or like an adult bird with laryngitis; probably their voices are breaking. Do bird's voices break? I wonder how they know when it's time to fly? They don't seem to try out their wings other than to stretch them and scratch a bit. I have a shelf of bird books and could probably find the answers but I like to wonder, in both senses of the word: to ponder a question, and to regard with awe.

The other sign that autumn has arrived is the upswing in Amazon sales, largely for the sort of book one needs for college courses. The shop has done really well this week. Hooray!

1 comment:

stitching and opinions said...

I hate Amazon because i ordered my next batch of daft books to maintian my version of sanity and they entrusted them to Home Delivery or what ever the stupid firm is called and they FAILED. They claimed they had come x2, once when I was definitely in, and wouldn't let me come and pick them up.....and now I have to wait till Monday when they will probably ghost thru again and I will Go CRAZY.