14 May 2009

R.I.P me

Isn't it weird when you find your own death notice. My father was mourned a month or so before his death because someone with exactly his names, first, middle and surname, died and his death was announced in the local paper. Almost unbelieveably the man had lived in the same town where dad had spent a large portion of his life yet they had never met. People rang my mother to commiserate with her and to say what a great bloke dad had been. He was spooked. They both were. I tried to lighten the mood by saying "Well, at least you know what your friends think of you and that you're going to be missed. Not many folk get to know that before they go."

I like the obituary this Carol Argyris got (and envied her her middle name, Calliope)

In Memoriam
ARGYRIS Carol Calliope, A brilliant, loving woman and mother. She was and is the light. ASTERA AND HELEN


stitching and opinions said...

It's a good epitaph, I think there would be a few clouds and even showers in mine.
what were you doing checking out your name anyway??

carol said...

That'd be telling.