11 Oct 2008


Great concert at the school yesterday. I rarely get cultural treats. This new school is bringing ME pleasure and enrichment never mind what it is giving Sandy.

It was the sort of length my mind and body can easily endure too, so although the pews are brand new and therefore extremely flat with no comfortably worn indentations from the butts-of-ages I hardly noticed once the music started. The upper school choir did a spirited Kyrie Eleison and In Excelcis Deo then moved on to a more secular piece from a musical I've never heard of which gave the opportunity for a tiny girl with a tremendously powerful Janis Joplin growl to belt out some stuff about love. After that the orchestra got going on 'The Lord of the Dance' The violins nearly went into orbit, the brass section blew its own head off and the tympani - well, Sandy now wants a set of drums. I was practically out of my seat dancing in the aisle and the heads of the younger ones in front of me were bobbing up and down so far that (like Gillian's amazing photo) I'm sure there was a metre or two of air between their bottoms and the pew.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Oh! I wish I had been there too. I love the feeling of wanting to join in.
Wish I could jump.
Cheers for now