22 Oct 2008


Suddenly expensive books are fnding new owners. Bizarre. Could it be that the universe is supporting my need to travel south and have spare cash to support new grandchildren?
Probably not. Christmas is on it's inexorable way.

The promise of visitors today. M & V are coming to pick up ordered books, to chat and for V to have a treatment with Chloƫ. Then the gay young Jonathan who has returned to check out this corner of Scotland once more. There was a conversation Saturday evening about the pointlessness of saying goodbye when folk claim they are leaving here for ever. Whether they have had anything to do with the Foundation or not they all return eventually, (unless they move on to another plain of consciousness when I bet they still return here but don't get offered coffee.)

George Macdonald in 'Lillith' talks about the 'liquidity of light' in the night skies in these northern climes. That light stayed with him wherever he was. 'Lillith' is a dark book, notwithstanding such beautifully poetic phrases. It's the heaviest of all his works I think and I'm glad I have 'done' it so I never have to again! At least he speaks for Christian universalism. He believed that everyone will be saved.

Oh heck, back to religion. I do, honestly, try to stay away. I blame my quasi-religious upbringing for darkening my mind and leaving me with this struggle to find lightness.

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