9 Oct 2008

You know it's autumn when...

...you find yourself in the queue for a dose of the latest 'flu virus. Surrounded by soft Scottish voices and fields of grey curls I shuffled my way forward to get a little prick (well we've all had one of those!) Then instant coffee and a shortbread biscuit whilst the moment passed for any nasty reaction like anaphylactic shock. I missed the ritual last year, didn't get 'flu, but it's always better to go for the insurance even if it's more in the mind than a reality. Today I feel a bit sick and have a painful arm. Happily it's my day off and I can use it as an excuse for doing absolutely nothing. Once upon a time they fervently denied that it would give us 'flu; the story has changed somewhat; we may experience aching limbs and a rise in temperature for a few days. In short - 'flu.

(A raise or a rise in temperature? I'm unclear about transitive and intransitive verbs to this day!)

The queue was very cheery and matey. Everybody except me seemed to know everybody else but as they were talking all around, greeting each other from their various positions ahead or behind me, I was necessarily included in the wails about weather, roadworks, new traffic lights and the closeness of Christmas. Never once was the collapsing economy mentioned. Probably nobody ever talked about the war much when it was happening either. The daily round is what counts. It's soothingly normal.

Thinking about viral matters reminds me that on my way to Aberdeen last week I listened to Radio 4 and a young woman waxing enthusiastic about bacteria. She is really absorbed by her work, loves the 'old friends' she might find under the microsope and is excited by the prospect of new friends who could show up at any time. It's unfortunate that some of her friends, even the pretty ones, are quite virulent and kill their hosts. Not their fault really; they fight for survival like the rest of us.

Hmm! I suppose that could be said of Mr Toad too who continues on his pathogenic way. I have to find another name for him. The harmless toad-creature just doesn't deserve to carry the burden any longer.


Gillian said...

Slugs leave a trail too!
Cheers Gillian

carol said...

%-)) I'm giving them serious consideration!