10 Sept 2009

Bit brighter here

Well Sanders is back at school with a doctor's note of confidence in his healthiness and ability to withstand the onslaught. That makes him happy as he was just getting enthusiastic about the rugby again, and is less of a headache for his mum who has to organise his timetable.

The pony has a chip of bone floating abut from an old injury which might need costly sugery but might not, and anyway isn't nearly as bad as a fracture, even hairline. Phew!

There has been sunshine.

Yesterday I spent most of my time looking through copies of 'The Illustrated London News' from 1942, 1943 & 1944. They've been bound together but unfortunately not all the issues from those years are present otherwise it would be worth a great deal I think.

What is there is still very interesting. The article that I found most relevant to this blog, with Chillside in mind, was about the war efforts of the WVS - sewing 3D 'maps' for the RAF out of burlap and thread with supporting materials for wooden buildings, haystacks, walls, trees and so on, working from aerial photographs. It was thought to be a quicker and more serviceable solution than building models. The burlap was foldable and the wooden buildings etc. could be taken apart for transportation. We were not allowed to know the purpose of these collages (pretty obvious really as they were for the RAF, but the protocol had to be observed I suppose.) I wonder where they went after they were employed as maps for bombing and parachuting purposes? Surely someone kept them safely after the war. They looked wonderful from the photos - and what fun to do!

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