25 Sept 2009

Getaway? Nah.

I ordered a book local to this area from a seller in Spain and to my surprise got an email from a fellow bookseller who lived (as far as I knew) about 20 miles up the road. he and his have moved to Spain where they are continuing to sell his huge stock of books in a sunnier location. How sensible!

I don't imagine myself ever doing that but admire folk who do. Much as I might like a warmer climate at times, I know from the Belgian years and extended holidays in Greece that I prefer - I was going to say my 'own' country but what with one thing and another, and the Scots wanting Independence I'm not sure it is mine own... Anyway, I do know I prefer living in the North and in a community where my mother tongue is prevalent and mostly understandable. Of course that could be true of whole areas of Spain too by the sounds of it but... hell, what DO I mean? The world has become homogenized.

Maybe I'm just too lazy now to move.

1 comment:

stitching and opinions said...

I don't tnink I would like to live in Spain, altho the sun is a Big draw. It is lovely here today, so relaxing. I think it is not knowing the culture that would make me feel uncomfortable. When things go wrong who do you harangue? I used to think San Francisco but it seems more edgey these days. Reno felt good, sunny, a river running thru, I can speak the language, their appreciation of Art is rather easily satisfied, and of course the Blessed GS lives there-in. Daughter claims the Son-in-law's insurance would cover me, but what happens when he gets made redundant and I have everything falling off. Come on Barak, sort it out